Parish Staff

Parish Office
1867 95th Street SE
Delano, MN 55328

Phone: 952-955-1139

Pastor: Father Paul Kubista


Administrative Assistant: Mary Kay Swartzer


Music Director: Karen Otto

Volunteer Leadership
Chair, Pastoral Council: Katelyn Roiland
Chair, Finance Committee: Jack Sernett
President, Men’s Club: TBD
President, CCW: Barbara Lyrek
Trustee: Andy Motzko
Trustee: Andy Dickhausen
Faith Formation Co-Directors: Rachel Depa & Heather Dickhausen
Bulletin Editor: Kathleen Motzko
Safe Environment Coordinator: Kathleen Motzko at
Mass Intentions and Liturgical Duties: Sue Roskowiak

Pastoral Council Members: Dale Lyrek, Kathleen Motzko, Angie Tibbetts, Katelyn Roiland, Don Zimmerman. (Minutes are available in the back of Church)

Finance Council Members: Jack Sernett, Judy Vanderlinde, Ted Chalupsky, Alex Brown, Ken Theis (Monthly Financial results on bulletin board in Church.)

Maintenance Team Members: Dave Leaf, Darik Stein, Matthias Jordan, Kevin Danielson, George Vanderlinde.

Pastoral Ministry Support: If you or a family member are home bound or hospitalized and would like to be visited by Father or our pastoral ministers, please call the ministers below or parish office.